Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) & Vouchers
Discover Financial Opportunities at K12 Private Schools.
At K12, we believe that every student deserves an exceptional, accredited education, regardless of their financial circumstances. We currently accept funds from a few states-based Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) and vouchers that help families pay for private school tuition that previously may have been out of reach.

Your ESA Expert Partners
Our ESA and voucher Experts are your online education partners, providing unparalleled service. With our deep understanding of state scholarship programs, we help you navigate the process to maximize these funds. Depending on your state program, we will find the right K12 match.

Programs Available
We’re dedicated to helping our families choose the best education for their child—whether that’s full-time, part-time, or individual classes.
Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) provides scholarship dollars to Arizona families to help them pursue flexible options for their children’s learning. Public funding through the ESA enables families to expand their educational opportunities outside the public school system and further personalize their educational experience. Arizona’s ESA provides nearly $7,000 per student, which fully covers tuition at many K12-powered private schools*
Arizona’s ESA provides Arizona families with:
- An education savings account that functions like a bank account.
- Access to education funds to offset the cost of tuition or in some cases cover the full cost of tuition.
Which K12-Powered Schools Participate:
Visit the Arizona Empowerment Scholarship page to learn more about eligibility and how to apply.
Indiana’s Choice Scholarship Program provides qualifying families in Indiana with a financial voucher to offset tuition costs at a participating private school of their choice.
For the 2024–2025 school year, Indiana students can receive up to $7,574.97 in Choice Scholarship funds.
Indiana’s Choice Scholarship provides Indiana families with:
Which K12-powered schools participate?
Visit the Indiana Choice Scholarship page to learn more about eligibility and how to apply.
Florida’s Personalized Education Program (PEP), funded through the Florida Tax Credit scholarship, provides Florida students not attending public or private school full-time with an education savings account to fund their education options.
The program will serve up to 60,000 students in the 2024-2025 school year.
The Florida Personalized Education Program (PEP) provides Florida families with:
- An education savings account that functions like a bank account.
- Education funds to personalize student learning.
- Priority for certain households as outlined in the income priority guidelines.
Which K12-powered schools participate?
Visit Florida’s Personalized Education Program page to learn more about eligibility and how to apply.
North Carolina
There are two scholarship program options available to North Carolina families; the Opportunity Scholarship program and the Education Student Accounts (ESA+) program.
The Opportunity Scholarship program is income based, and families must meet the household income guidelines to determine eligibility.
The Education Student Accounts (ESA+) program is for students requiring special education services and must have an active IEP documented in the state of North Carolina to determine eligibility.
North Carolina’s Opportunity Scholarship and Education Student Accounts provide North Carolina families with:
- Access to education funds to offset the cost of tuition or in some cases cover the full cost of tuition.
- Equal opportunity for children to access a school that will challenge, engage, and meet their needs.
Which K12-powered schools participate?
Visit the Scholarship Opportunities page to learn more about eligibility and how to apply.